
Kari Payton avatar image
Kari Payton asked Adrian Haws edited

Items disappearing when pushing and pulling from list.

First I pull a machine from a list, but when I try to push back to the list the item does not go back onto the list. I start out with 4 machines. Pull one, so now I only have 3 items on the list. Then I push the machine back to the list and the number of items stays at 3. @Adrian Haws




FlexSim 16.1.0
push and pull list
list1.png (42.8 KiB)
list2.png (39.5 KiB)
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1 Answer

Adrian Haws avatar image
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Adrian Haws answered Adrian Haws edited

@Kari Payton The reason the object wasn't being pushed back onto the list is because it had the wrong reference. In the "Push to List" within the FixedResource flow you had been pushing "Token: Entering". Rather, you should push "Label: Item" since that's what you assigned the object to when you originally pulled it from the list. Also, make sure to check the box called "Keep On List On Early Release" in the "Push to List" activity.

See updated model.

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