
Sofia G21 avatar image
Sofia G21 asked Sofia G21 commented

Can a traffic control work for two nodes with nodes in between?

I am trying to build a travel network. In one area of my layout, I have an aisle comprised of several nodes. I HAVE to use these nodes, as they are what allow the forklifts to reach the Sources. However, I need to traffic control Nodes labeled 1 and 2, so only one forklift is allowed on that section of network at a time. Am I able to use a traffic control for that? Or are traffic controls only for two adjacent nodes?

If so, are there any tricks to controlling multiple sections of adjacent networks, so as to behave as a whole to prevent more than 1 forklift entering either node 1 or 2?


Thanks in advance for any help provided!

FlexSim 22.0.2
forklift traveltravel networks
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1 Answer

Jason Lightfoot avatar image
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Jason Lightfoot answered Sofia G21 commented

You just connect all the nodes between 1 and 2 to the traffic control.

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