
hermione12 avatar image
hermione12 asked hermione12 answered

Reduce speed of transporter based on shift timings


I have a model in which transporter follows a specific network path and delivers items. For a particular path from network node NN2 to NN3 to NN4, I want to reduce the speed of transporter only in that path depending on the shift timings mentioned in the timetable as per model time .

The speeds of the transporter is given in global table. I want to control the max speed of transporter through global table values.

Also what state to use in the time table so as to control the transporter speed.

How to achieve this? Please help


FlexSim 20.0.10
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Sri_vikas K avatar image Sri_vikas K commented ·

Hi @hermione12

Controlling the speed on particular path is easy using the AGV paths. Did you consider that already?

Please refer to the model below how you can control the speed of the agv paths.

toolbox > agv paths> and load and unload speed.


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hermione12 avatar image hermione12 Sri_vikas K commented ·
Hi @Sri_vikas K can you please attach the model in 20.0.10 version? I am using the same version version and will be able to view your model
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Sri_vikas K avatar image Sri_vikas K hermione12 commented ·

I am so sorry, Unfortunately I do not have that version.


you can refer to the above image to adjust the speed on the path.

forward speed and reverse speed.You can give the numbers directly.

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Jason Lightfoot avatar image Jason Lightfoot ♦♦ commented ·

You can refer to this post on how to update the AGV speed tables.

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hermione12 avatar image hermione12 Jason Lightfoot ♦♦ commented ·
Thank you @Jason Lightfoot

But I want to control the transporter speed based on shift timings. how to do that?

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Jason Lightfoot avatar image Jason Lightfoot ♦♦ hermione12 commented ·

Sorry - I saw Sri's comment and answered about that - but you're not using AGVs.

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Felix Möhlmann avatar image
Felix Möhlmann answered

Have a label on the network nodes that controls whether they reduce the speed of passing travelers.


Depending on its value, set the maxspeed variable in the On Arrival trigger. Which value of "fromedge" triggers the reduction depends on the order in which the nodes were connected.

  1. Object current = ownerobject(c);
  2. Object traveler = param(1);
  3. int toedge = param(2); //the number of the edge that the traveler is going to next
  4. int fromedge = param(3); // the number of the edge the traveler came from
  6. if(fromedge == 1 && current.ReduceSpeed == 1)
  7. {
  8.     traveler.setVariable("maxspeed", Table("GlobalTable1")[1][2]);
  9. }
  10. else
  11. {
  12.     traveler.setVariable("maxspeed", Table("GlobalTable1")[1][1]);
  13. }

Switch the label value in the Down/Resume Function of the time table to switch the behaviour on and off.



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hermione12 avatar image hermione12 commented ·
Thank you @Felix Möhlmann

For the same network node path, I want to control the speed during specific timings such as from 9:00 to 9:30 AM the speed reduction should happen, after that time period the forklift speed should be updated to original speed. In my model, model time starts at 8:00 AM.

In this case, where to include code and what logic to be used?

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Felix Möhlmann avatar image Felix Möhlmann hermione12 commented ·

The logic above to build to allow that. In the time marked as downtime in the time table, the speed will stay the same (non-reduced) and during the "active" time in the time table it will be reduced when reaching the edge nodes from one of the queues.



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hermione12 avatar image
hermione12 answered

Thank you @Felix Möhlmann it is perfect

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