
Alex rogers avatar image
Alex rogers asked Andrew O commented

Hi i need help creating a supplychain model?

Hi i need help creating a flexsim model simulating a supplychain network for a manufacturing company (in France) that has 3 raw materials(A,B,C) suppliers from 3 different countries (China, South Africa and India) each country must use Shipping, cargo and land transport to ship raw materials to france the raw materials from all the countries will be stored in a inventory which will supply 2 batches from a random country to the manufacturing plant every 2 hours. The shipment network should have 6-10 nodes untill it reaches the inventory in france and at every node the transport stops for 10-120 minutes at random.

i am using flexsim 21.0 or lower

i am a begginer and it wold be really helpful if someone could help me out. Thank you

FlexSim 20.0.10
modelsupply chainbeginnerbasic
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Joerg Vogel avatar image
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Joerg Vogel answered Joerg Vogel edited

This is a typical request. It is complex. You divide it in smaller tasks.

  1. A network of delayed stops. You can do it abstract or realistically. Abstract a chain of processors working on pallets filled with items. Realistic - a path system of Network Nodes. You let travel a vehicle (AGV Taskexecuter object ) from one network node to a different network node.
  2. Transfer batches every 2 hours: A queue object can do batching. But it is not a default option to delay something. You must do this by another object or by a different approach. You can close an output of a queue by a template or command or method. (Here you see, there exists a language of words with a special meaning. You need to learn this language. And you do this doing tutorials, reading the manual and look up in manual often). You have closed an output. You need to open this output after 2 hours. And you need an event in this simulation tool called FlexSim. You can send a delayed message (a typical answer for a beginner). Please look for “message” as a method in FlexScript class API in manual section Reference Manual > Coding in FlexSim. Other events you can create: You delay a token in Process Flow (As I said, you must learn this FlexSim language, do those tutorials. Do those later advanced tutorials more often. If a tutorial model does not work, build it again from beginning. If it then still does not work, search this Forum for an answer!) Other delayed event: A customized event in Toolbox. (Toolbox? It is an item in FlexSim program Surface, By default open on the left).

FlexSim is a simple tool, but it is not easy like an ax. You want to bring down a tree by an ax. You can do it by try and error. OR you learn it to do it right.

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Jeanette F avatar image
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Jeanette F answered

Hello @Alex rogers,

Welcome to FlexSim! This forum is for specific questions. Please follow the forums best practices. If you do not know where to begin I highly recommend you complete the tutorials. They will be very helpful for building a foundation for standard features of FlexSim.

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