
Carlos Reyes avatar image
Carlos Reyes asked Carlos Reyes commented

Creating a module in FlexSim

Hi everyone!

Hope you are doing great!

I'm following the user manual to create a module, but when I create a module node and the subnode within it and save the defaults with the button I created in the menu toolbar to apply: applicationcommand("savedefaultviewproject") it doesn´t create me the files testmodule.fsx and a testmodule.t in the folder "testmodule", so when I close FlexSim and open it again it's like the changes were unsaved. Do you know what am I doing wrong?

I attach some evidence of my process:


My custom button to save defaults:


FlexSim\modules directory :


Save Default Project/View:


Thanks for your answers!

FlexSim 23.0.1
module sdkdevelopmentmodulestree nodemodule development
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1 Answer

Jordan Johnson avatar image
Jordan Johnson answered Carlos Reyes commented

It sounds like testmodule/testmodule.fsx (or .t) isn't saving. If you run FlexSim as an administrator and then repeat your steps, do the steps work? If so, then you probably don't have permission to save in that directory.

To avoid needing to run as an administrator, then follow the steps in the quick start to create a development version of FlexSim, in a location where you have permission to modify files:

· 1
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