
Haristo avatar image
Haristo asked Haristo answered

Reduction of the sequence of the array

I want to do a sequence with an array. I want to introduce very long sequences of each label. Is there any method of telling the array how much of each product i wanna produce with out using a lot of rows?


FlexSim 22.1.3
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Felix Möhlmann avatar image Felix Möhlmann commented ·

Could you provide some more information about how that array is going to be used? Because the answer will likely depend on it.

Will it, for example, dictate which label gets assigned to an item on a processor? Or where it gets send?

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Jason Lightfoot avatar image Jason Lightfoot ♦♦ commented ·
It sounds like you may want either a two dimensional array label with part and quantity fields or you a table label to do the same. The alternative (and visually harder to read) option might be two arrays of the same length - one containing the part and the other the quantity - you just use the same index for both.
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1 Answer

Haristo avatar image
Haristo answered

I have already solve it.

Thanks both of you for the help

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