
chanclas avatar image
chanclas asked Felix Möhlmann commented

Pull Requirement Issue

Hi, I'm new to FlexSim but I've been wanting to simulate a plant which works via a pull from the final product. This warehouse located at the end of the plant will be responsible for starting the production. I know about the existence of the lists, but this list is for two current in a row. It is possible to use a list without the list being between two in a row.

I would like that the pull requirement would be depending on the amount of objects in rack 2 and that it would pull the list to which is fed in rack 1, passing all the boxes through the process without going directly from warehouse to warehouse.


FlexSim 22.2.2
list pullpullitem list
5 |100000

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1 Answer

Felix Möhlmann avatar image
Felix Möhlmann answered Felix Möhlmann commented

There is nothing stopping you from using different objects in the pull requirement other than the connected ones.


The more difficult question is how you want to restart the processor once it has stopped pulling at some point.

If you want to only use the 3d model, then you could put some code in the "On Exit" trigger of the final rack that checks whether the processor should start to pull again.

Alternatively, you can use a Process Flow to control the pulling of items.

The attached model demonstrates both approaches.


Note: In your screenshot, the combiner only has a single input connection. If it is supposed to actually combine items together, it needs at least 2.

1673944381369.png (6.4 KiB)
pullbystock.fsm (54.0 KiB)
· 2
5 |100000

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chanclas avatar image chanclas commented ·

Hello again, starting from the same exercise we would like to make the rack have different references and pull each reference when it goes below a certain number of units.

And second question, in the model when it goes below 9 units in the rack starts to produce, would it be possible to make it produce up to 12 units without stopping at 9.


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Felix Möhlmann avatar image Felix Möhlmann chanclas commented ·
This would probably easier by closing/opening the input of the respective processors rather than through the pull requirement.

Keep track of the content of the final rack for the different types in labels by incrementing/decrementing them in the "On Entry" and "On Exit" trigger. After doing that, you can check if a threshold was passed. In the entry trigger you would check if the rack is now "full" and if so, close the input of the respective processor. In the exit trigger, you check whether the content is below the target and open the input of the respective processor if that is the case.


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