
justinrusty avatar image
justinrusty asked Sebastián Cañas answered

Reference Quantity in Group ?

In my Process I have a create label that references a table for quantity of labels created. Is there any way for this to instead reference the number of staff members I have in a certain global group? For example if I have 5 staff members in my "Group1" is there away for it to reference this easily?

FlexSim 22.2.4
5 |100000

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1 Answer

Sebastián Cañas avatar image
Sebastián Cañas answered

@justinrusty ,

If you want to reference all of the objects that are member of a group you can use:

  1. Group("MyGroup").toFlatArray();

In case you want to reference the number of members that a group has, you can use:

  1. Group("MyGroup").length

¿Does this answer your question?

5 |100000

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