
kauan pedroso avatar image
kauan pedroso asked kauan pedroso commented

how to release a conveyor when the other one is blocked

I have an assembly line with two different products, the product only leaves the processor when my station is empty. But how do I when my box conveyor is empty, it releases the other cylinders that are waiting.


Different time on processor.fsm

FlexSim 21.2.4
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Jeanette F avatar image
Jeanette F answered kauan pedroso commented

Hello @kauan pedroso,

I added to the pull strategy so that if it is taking from the conveyor with the cylinders it checks to see if it is empty. If it is empty then it switches to pull from the box conveyor.




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kauan pedroso avatar image kauan pedroso commented ·
Thanks you a lot for the help !! @Jeanette F
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Yasmin avatar image
Yasmin answered kauan pedroso commented

Hi, Kauan!

As I understood, your conveyor box isn't accepting more items because the processor output port is closed. So, here goes a couple of options

First, you can put a queue after the assembly line conveyor so your station wouldn't be blocked, and your trigger for open the conveyor output port would work just fine.

Even then, I saw that the conveyor box is blocked because the processor output port stays closed until a iten gets out the station. So, another option is edit your On exit trigger at processor, so it verifies is the source box is blocked. If it is, so the prcessor output port is not closed.

In the attached model, I changed the On exit trigger.

Please let me know if this answer is appropiate for your questions.

If it isn't, feel free to explain more about your model and desired logic.


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kauan pedroso avatar image kauan pedroso commented ·

Hello @Yasmin !

I think I wasn't clear in my question, sorry. In short, what I wanted to do is when my conveyor belt is full, I continue with my sequential conveyor in the processor, but when only one conveyor belt is full and the other empty, I release the products from the full conveyor belt even if it is not sequential.


different-time-on-processor-answer (1)_1.fsm

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