
Stan Davis avatar image
Stan Davis asked Stan Davis commented

How to Filter Property Table Using 'NOT LIKE' Or Similar

I do not see a selection for 'NOT LIKE' when trying to filter out on name in a Property Table. I've tried wildcards but no success. Is there a way to do this??



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1 Answer

Jordan Johnson avatar image
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Jordan Johnson answered Stan Davis commented

FlexSim's sql language supports LIKE, but does not currently support NOT LIKE, so that option is not present in the GUI.

If you write your own query and run it with Table.query(), you can use something like the following:

Table result = Table.query(
  "SELECT Object, Name FROM Objects() WHERE NOT (Name LIKE '%Queue%')");

Alternatively, you could probably add a label to the objects you want to see and filter based on that label value.

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Stan Davis avatar image Stan Davis commented ·

Understood. Thanks.

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