
hanna avatar image
hanna asked Matthew Gillespie answered

Randomizing Staff Utilization

In the model I have a staff group with 6 techs. When a patient comes in, flexsim will first check if tech 1 is available, if tech 1 is not available it will check for tech 2, etc. I want to randomize this so that the first tech the patient goes to is not always in order of tech number. Any thoughts on how to do this? DGH model.fsm1.

FlexSim 23.0.3
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1 Answer

Matthew Gillespie avatar image
Matthew Gillespie answered

It doesn't do it in order by default like you're describing. If you look at any of the Staff Resource blocks and expand the Advanced section you'll see that the default Sort By is utilization. This means that it's trying to acquire the staff with the lowest utilization out of all the available staff in the group you specified.


In fact, if you wanted it to use the exact order listed in the group you would change utilization to GroupRank.

If you want to force it to pick a random staff every time then you can set the Sort By to RAND()

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