
David.Y avatar image
David.Y asked David.Y edited

How can I control and locate to certain Decision point in items in the list?


I am trying to count the flowitems (Hangers) using the current list and place the first and last Hanger at the Desion point.

The most curious is how to know the order of the flowitems in the List and how to call and use them...

In other words, what I want is to flow 7 flow items,

The 1st hanger is located at the 1st Decision Point, the 7th one is located at the 2nd Decision Point, and the remaining 5 Flowitems are to be located in the middle buffer

When items are loaded on the hangers of #1 and #2 Decision Point, each hanger should move forward.

FlexSim 23.0.0
listdecision pointsbatchcontrol the numbers in list
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1 Answer

Jason Lightfoot avatar image
Jason Lightfoot answered

To which list are your referring? Is it DR_LH_CONV? By adding a pushTime you can get a sequence. If they stay on the list and you need to know which is at the front of a loop, then just update a label with the time when it passes a chosen point and add that to the list. Sorting when you pull it using the ORDER BY clause will give you the correct sequence.

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