
Sean avatar image
Sean asked Felix Möhlmann answered

What is the correct SQL syntax for this Database Connector Query?


I want to query value from database. In my database, cmd_sno is string data. It can work when I script in line 6. But cmd_sno needs look up from token in my case. Thus, I need convert num to string if I get different value. I script in line 4 and 5. The result show error. How can I modify script in line 4 and 5? Thank's.


FlexSim 23.0.5
databasesql query
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1 Answer

Felix Möhlmann avatar image
Felix Möhlmann answered

You have to also put the single quotation marks ('..') around the string value in the query (like you did in line 6)

  1. string query = "SELECT...cmd_sno='" + num + "'";
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