
Cami avatar image
Cami asked Jeanette F commented

manufacturing process and logistic

modelo, problema estibas.fsmGood afternoon, we have a problem in the model, when running this, in the part of the shelf, the pallets are not distributed in two per row, that is, they are all in the same place.

I attach the model, I would appreciate a prompt response.

FlexSim 22.0.16
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1 Answer

Joerg Vogel avatar image
Joerg Vogel answered Jason Lightfoot commented

Dynamic pallet. A pallet size is without packed content. Lately in version 23 a pallet considers packed content as size of pallet. If you look for this problem on this site you find several examples to prevent this problem. I linked my solution. The involved pallet works, but it was a subject, I had with stacking in queues.

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