
Rafael de Assis avatar image
Rafael de Assis asked Jeanette F answered

How Can I schedule two taskexecuters for to collect flowitems in the same queue?

Hello Everybody

in my simulation, I need that the taskexecuter "transporte 1" take the flowitems (5, 22, 320, 4100) in the queue "Buffer de saída" each 2 hours and leave the flowitens on the queue "Buffer de expedição". it doesn't matter if the task executer have capacity for to carry every flowitens processed, it carry only your capacity. And I need too, that the taskexecuter "transporte 2" take de flowitem (1) in the same queue "Buffer de saída" each 2 hours and leave this flowitens on the queue "buffer linha de motores". I have attached the file with which i have until now!

Modelo Avançado V16.fsm

another question is. How do I centralize the crane in moment "zero"? (figure "Crane")


I tryed some ways, but I not got to do.


FlexSim 21.1.5
scheduletaskexecuter flowitem
crane.jpg (73.1 KiB)
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viviane-b avatar image
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viviane-b answered

Hello, @Rafael de Assis ,

For your problem of scheduling two task executers, it can be solved by creating a task sequence for each transporter.

Using a Schedulo Source, you can set it to be sent every 2 hours, then create a task sequence and travel to the "Buffer de saída". Considering you are pushing the flowitems into a list, you can pull from list, choosing what type of items you want for each transporter, then create a Decide to load to the transporter's capacity or travel back to the final queue and again unloading with a Decide. For the Decide activity, I created a counter label to verify if all items were loaded or unloaded.


In the model attached, the transporter leaves the queue if no item of the type is there, if you want the transporter to wait until an item is available, change the field Require Number on the Pull from list task.


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Jeanette F avatar image
Jeanette F answered

Hello @Rafael de Assis,

From what I have gathered you want to queue to release 24 items (capacity of the queue) to be stowed away by the transporters but the items are sent to specific queues based on their Type label.

I added that the queue performs batching, so the items are released once a capacity of 24 is achieved. I added by case options to the port and transport so the items are sent based off of their Type label



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Jacob W2 avatar image
Jacob W2 answered Rafael de Assis commented

Hi @Rafael de Assis,

To solve your first question I recommend using a dispatcher as it can handle multiple operators working the same machine.

To get the crane to be centered, you will need to adjust the X, Y, and Z values in the crane properties as shown in the image I am attaching.


crane-control.png (39.8 KiB)
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