
Ablanco avatar image
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Ablanco asked Ablanco commented

The queue does not take the planned materials in a table.

FlexSim modeloa.fsm

In the model, you want to move the materials from the warehouse (shelves) to a queue. For this purpose, a table has been created as if it were the planning of the materials to be removed from the warehouse.

The problem is that the operator takes materials at random and not what is planned.

Could you help me with this problem?

Thank you very much.

FlexSim 23.1.2
flexsim-modeloa.fsm (52.3 KiB)
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1 Answer

Carter Walch avatar image
Carter Walch answered Ablanco commented

Hi @Ablanco ,


The attached model demonstrates how to perform this logic using Process Flow. We recommend these process flow tutorials to create custom logic in process flow for your 3D model.


In order to pull the correct products from each row of your "demand" table, we can use a row label that we increment each time through the process flow. We use this row label to access the demand table row and create a map of every product and their quantity in that row. This is stored in the label called "GroupOfItems." For example, row 2 of the "demand" table requires 1 product of types 1, 2, 3, 6 and 7.
The "Find Item" activity then finds the flowitems with the correct types from the GroupOfItems and assigns them to the "items" label. We use this label to loop through a sub flow and load/unload each item into the processor and then into the sink.

After the task sequence, the row increments by 1 and the operator pulls flowitems from the rack for the next row in the "demand" table.


Note: After the row number exceeds the rows in your demand table, the process flow will end.

Process flow makes it easier to add custom logic into your 3D model like pulling specific types from your demand table and creating task sequences for the operator to follow specific orders of tasks. I also removed the triggers in your "AlmacenIntermedio" queue and the "pull" requirement as well because they are unnecessary with the implemented process flow.

Hope this helps!

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Ablanco avatar image Ablanco commented ·

I have been looking at the model you sent and it meets my expectations. I will take into account everything you say.

Thank you very much for taking the time to give me an answer.

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