
Steven Chen avatar image
Steven Chen asked Steven Chen edited

VR controller not shown in VIVE XR Elite


I bought a new headset but the controller not visible in FlexSim 3D view.

VIVE XR Elite - Convertible, All-in-One XR Headset

I guess the reason is FlexSim doesn't support the new shape of controller.

Is it something I can do to add new shape of controller to FlexSim on my own?

FlexSim 23.1.2
virtual reality
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1 Answer

Phil BoBo avatar image
Phil BoBo answered Phil BoBo commented

FlexSim doesn't include any controller render models. It gets that data from SteamVR using OpenVR.

Can you see the controllers within SteamVR? For example, within the setup tutorial application?

Is your Steam and SteamVR software all up-to-date? Is the firmware for the headset and controllers up-to-date?

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Steven Chen avatar image Steven Chen commented ·
The controller is visible in other app such as Steam Home. Steam/SteamVR and firmware are up-to-date.

The controller is functional just not visible. Currently I add a controller shape object, and update position in ModelPreDraw as a workaround.

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Phil BoBo avatar image Phil BoBo ♦♦ Steven Chen commented ·

I'll add a case to the dev list to consider looking into this in the future. For now, your workaround is probably the best solution.

It's possible that the XR Elite doesn't support the OpenVR API for rendering controller models in the same way as other headsets. It is also possible that updating to a newer version of OpenVR in FlexSim could fix it. Being a relatively new headset, a future software update on the Steam side may fix it with no change on the FlexSim side, but it's also possible that we may be able to do something from our end. It's hard to tell at this point what exactly is happening, but if this becomes a widespread issue, we'll need to investigate further.


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