
Kevin-Hsiang avatar image
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Kevin-Hsiang asked Jason Lightfoot commented

Send to Port By Expression problem/bug?

The model source 3 types of item in the two cases.

The one is sent the item from Queue to Processor1,2. The other one is sent the item from Queue to Queue 2,3 (shown below). The Output Flow I setup that is using By Expression.

You can see that Item Type 3 should be left in the Queue in the Processor case because it only 2 output ports. But after I complete this setting in the Processor case, item Type 3 had been sent to the processor.

In the Queue case, the flow is right.


I check my operation in this model, and the setting is right.

Is there any operation wrong in this case, or maybe is a bug in this version?

Attach the model here

SendToPort Problem.fsm

Best regards,


FlexSim 23.1.0
output portbyexpression
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1 Answer

Jason Lightfoot avatar image
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Jason Lightfoot answered Jason Lightfoot commented

To hold the blue items you should return -1 in the sendtoport, or have the processors only pull the correct type.

Can you point me to he material that says returning the outputport length +1 is the correct way to prevent items from being released through ports, so that we can reference it in a bug report and have it fixed or have the documentation altered?

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