
Vinay S avatar image
Vinay S asked olegalexander commented

Omniverse problem, Model not running in Omniverse composer.

Hi, I set up Nucleus server. and my USD files are in http://localhost:34080/omniverse://localhost/Projects/ Robot.usd.and I connected the same in USD connector in Flexsim, added usd stage to model and imported same usd file here. and connected both USD composer and Flexsim to same omniverse server(Join).

After adding Processor to usd stage run the model its not updating in USD composer. and in other situation. in Omniverse model tree at right side window. it was showing boxes adding in to Queue tree in model tree. And some times either Flexsim will close or Omniverse will close.

Some one pls create a tutorial video in detail.

FlexSim 23.2.0
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1 Answer

Kavika F avatar image
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Kavika F answered olegalexander commented

Hey @Vinay S, here's a video I made on how to create a live Omniverse Connection between FlexSim and Omniverse Composer to see flowitems move through a Queue and Processor.

Video Link -

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