
Rafael de Assis avatar image
Rafael de Assis asked Rafael de Assis commented

How to couple two pallets with tugger AGV?


I dont have been sucesfull for to control tugger AGV.

I need that AGV couple aways two pallets from queue "buffer de saída", and the pallet with label 1 has destiny to queue "buffer linha de motores" and pallet with label 22 has destiny to "buffer de expedição". I was able to attach the pallets to the AGV, but not the loaded pallets coming from queue.

the AGV ways drags two pallets, indenpendently to label (label 1+1, 1+22, 22+22).

in the future, I will plus more conditions, but now I cant progress.

Modelo situação AGV rebocador 4.fsm

FlexSim 21.1.5
tuggercontrol agv
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Joerg Vogel avatar image
Joerg Vogel answered Rafael de Assis commented

I think your previous question is about the same subject. New is here that the item that is connected as a trailer and it is a loaded pallet instead of a single item. A problem is, that a taskexecuter is not aware of any destinations of items on a pallet. It will be your task to load a pallet, attach it as a trailer and then to let move the taskexecuter to destinations accordingly to the items on a pallet.

It would be nice, you can demonstrate your problem with an example rather than with your working model. It needs really some time to understand when and what you want to get as your desired behavior implemented.

This model seems to be a part a of a thesis and there exists a code of academic integrity.

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Rafael de Assis avatar image
Rafael de Assis answered Joerg Vogel commented


I'm sorry for incovenience, but my goal is to built a model whose AGV goes to queue "Buffer de saída" when in this queue have two palets.

the pallets have the conditions:

1. or the pallets have 4 flowitens whose label can be 5, 22, 320 or 4100. this pallets must to be unload in queue "buffer de expedição"

2. or the pallets have 8 flowitens whose label is 1. this pallet must to be unload in queue "buffer linha de motores"

- In my model, the pallets are being assembled correctly with their appropriate lebels.

- on exit of each "combiner", I assign a label for the pallet. label number 1 is assign for pallets whose destiny is "buffer linha de motores" and number 22 whose destiny is "buffer de expedição".

My problem is to do the AGV couble two palets like a tugger AGV every time that have two pallets avaible in queue "Buffer de saída" and leave the pallets in respective destiny.

like i attached the picture, in realy each pallet has a structure if rollers whose AGV can be drags.

thank you!

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