
Ranggi M avatar image
Ranggi M asked Ryan Clark commented

AGV Passing By and Unload Logic

Good Day,

How can I make an AGV that by pass the one in front of it if it needs to pass through?

Because I dont want the agv to waiting in line

I am currently simulating a Tugger, but a Tugger supposedly can by pass the tugger infront of it if it stop

Currently I m using Process Flow template for AGV, Control Point, and Straight Path

Second Question :


Can anyone explain more of these explanation? My tugger have a capacity of 3 currently, but i can't make it drop all 3 at the same time (if its the same location)

I have difficulty to understand where the nextlookforwork should be connected to ?

Thank you

FlexSim 19.2.4
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1 Answer

Jason Lightfoot avatar image
Jason Lightfoot answered

You can redirect the AGV to use a different route if it fails to allocate the desired control point. You can use a process flow and add an "AlternativeRoute" connection from the CP to one on the parallel/bypass route.

If your network isn't a loop then yes, it's sometimes not obvious where to connect nextlookforwork - but you can try between two or three points and see how it works out. Or just create your own AGV process flow that pulls jobs from the AGVwork list and processes them without the need for nextlookforwork connections.

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