
Vothan Salomão avatar image
Vothan Salomão asked Jonah K commented

The global table is not updating correctly with control points

Hello!!AGV GlobalTable.fsm
I'm trying to fill in two columns of the global table with the following information:

In the CP column, I want the column to update in real-time with the information from destination.CP.

In the LastCP column, I want the column to update in real-time with the information from the last CP that the AGV passed, I'm using recentCP.

However, when running the code, both columns still have the same information. Could someone help me by telling me what's wrong with my code and how I could fix it?

FlexSim 23.2.0
agvglobal tablecontrolpoint
agv-globaltable.fsm (14.5 MiB)
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1 Answer

Jason Lightfoot avatar image
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Jason Lightfoot answered Jonah K commented

The exception message tells you exactly the problem - the token doesn't have the label 'destination'. You can verify this by putting a breakpoint in your code.


and then click on the token when it fires the code.

When an exception occurs the rest of the code is not executed.

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