
arn-k avatar image
arn-k asked arn-k commented

Custom state

Hi all,

I am using process flow and dashboards to indicate when my two processors are faulty and when they are being repaired (I have attached my model). I have two questions in this regard:
1) the state of my machine doesn't change after the process time changes. I want this event to be shown in my states bar and state Gantt in some type of way like "faulty process". I read many sources to see if I can define a new state myself but apparently it is not possible. An easy way to do so is to use a default state and just rename it for the dashboards. In my case I chose "off-shift" state and changed it to "faulty processing" but it is still not showing anything. Am I doing this the right way?
2) The logic I had in mind was that once the machine is repaired, the process time reverts back to normal right away. However, in my model processing with longer process time continues until the product leaves the machine and then it resets the process time. Is there a way I can prevent this from happening?

Thank you!


processs flow faults_autosave.fsm

FlexSim 23.2.1
dashboardsprocesss flowstatescustom
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Jason Lightfoot avatar image
Jason Lightfoot answered Jason Lightfoot commented

When items are processed by the processor it will by default be in STATE_PROCESSING. This is set for each item that enters - your setting the state once at the time of the fault will be overridden by the next item's process start (actually as soon as an item enters or finsihes setup, processing or exits).

You can investigate use a custom state profile to record parallel states to indicate normal processing or processing with a fault. Here's a comment on another post describing this a little more.

Also - rather than have 3 (or more) process flows - one for each fault, and parameterise those, I would create a fault table on the object and have a single object process flow that reads and processes the fault information. This then is much more scalable and manageable.

Also note that by modelling the fault generation in this way you're unable to say that the time between faults is based on the time in processing state (the MTBF/MTTR object has this) and so they can happen while idle - at any time. It also means that two faults can occur at the same time and I then wonder if that would result in another slower process time than the 60 you have for Processor 2.

For example the label on processor 2 could contain this fault table:


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Vinay S avatar image
Vinay S answered arn-k commented

try 3.fsmCheck this model. This will solve your problem.

Pls, go through the model and understand the changes I made to your original model

try-3.fsm (54.7 KiB)
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