
Helen avatar image
Helen asked Helen commented

Error when pulling demand from third day onward


I'm trying to pull items on a sink based on the demand (I have the information in a Global Table called Demand), and to the previous processor based on the demand of the following day and the wip (Global table called Lotes) . It's working properly for the first two days, but it stops production after day 3. When I delete the pull requirement of the processor, it works properly even after day 2.


Can some help?

Thank you,


FlexSim 23.2.1
pullpull itempullrequirement
pullprueba-v2.fsm (35.0 KiB)
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1 Answer

Jason Lightfoot avatar image
Jason Lightfoot answered Helen commented

The processor will wait for an item to attempt entry or for an item to exit - it isn't continually pulling and evaluating your rules.

You can open the processor input to force it to run it's pull logic on your table update event.

  1. if (processor.subnodes.length==0)
  2.     openinput(processor);

· 1
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