
mkeller avatar image
mkeller asked Jason Lightfoot commented

process flow freeze

Hello all.

Im currently facing an issue where after approximately 30.000 seconds of run time the activitys in my process flow freezes, the simulation clock keeps running but delays stop counting down and AGV's stop traveling. what could be the cause of this?

FlexSim 23.2.1
processs flowfreeze
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1 Answer

Lars Jacobsen avatar image
Lars Jacobsen answered

When you have a problem with a model, it is good practice to weed out any errors in the Compiler Console and System Console. In general it is recommended to fix console errors immidiately.

Compiler Console

Flexscript Error MODEL:/Tools/ProcessFlow/Control unit/Pull from List>variables/partitionID Line 6 Undefined variable None being used.

Flexscript Error MODEL:/Tools/ProcessFlow/Control unit/Pull from List>variables/partitionID Line 6 Could not resolve correct operator for construct operation. Left side type is Variant&, right type is (invalid)

Flexscript Error MODEL:/Tools/ProcessFlow/Control unit/Pull from List>variables/partitionID

Could not finish parsing because of previous errors.

Go to Process Flow "Control Unit" and search for "Pull from List" and an undefined variable "None". Try and look in at the second "Pull from List" in Pick Agv. Delete NONE from the partition ID.


System Console

time: 0.000000 exception: Error: Invalid flowitem reference at create flowitem activity "Create Object" in process flow "Queue orders"

Go to Process Flow "Queue orders" and check the activity "Create Object".


The tokens are stuck here, so something is wrong. You need to specify which object to create from the FlowItem Bin using the dropdown list.


Here is some sample code for creating an item using code

  1. // Read the label on the queue
  2. string itemName = link.Create;
  3. // Create item in model
  4. Object item = createinstance(Model.find("Tools/FlowItemBin/" + itemName + "/1"), model());
  5. // Move item into queue
  6. moveobject(item, link);

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