
Maryam H2 avatar image
Maryam H2 asked Jason Lightfoot answered

Keep label on token when push to list

I want to keep the label when I add a token to a list, either through "Assign Label" or "List Fields," and then retrieve items with specific label values. Is that possible?

I've checked some answers, and it seems that when I add a token to the list, I can't access its label using Token.pulled. Is that right?

FlexSim 24.0.0
tokenslist pullpushh
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Sri_vikas K avatar image
Sri_vikas K answered Sri_vikas K edited

Hello @Maryam H2

Pull from list with Same token values - FlexSim Community, check my previous answer, this might help your problem.

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Jason Lightfoot avatar image
Jason Lightfoot answered

You access whatever you pushed to the list using the keyword 'value'. You can add label fields to the list to select from and you can access the list entries labels using value.myLabel. The fields you list after a SELECT clause in the pull query will be added to the puller (by default - this is a setting in the List advanced properties).

When pulling from the list using a process flow activity you can in the query refer to the puller's labels using 'puller.myLabel' - where you choose what acts as the puller by entering a reference in the Puller field.

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