
Arun Kr avatar image
Arun Kr asked Vinay S answered

Attach Items to AGV at front end


Need a modeling idea here. How to attach the loaded item to the front end of the AGV and the loaded item have to behave like an attached trailer following the curves of the AGV network. In other words, like a push train. Set location didn't work for me here, maybe it is because the attach as trailer option is overrunning it.agv-help.fsm

Thanks and Regards, @phil.bobo, @Sam Stubbs, @anthony.johnson

Arun KR

FlexSim 18.0.3
agv module
agv-help.fsm (28.4 KiB)
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Arun Kr avatar image
Arun Kr answered Arun Kr commented

It's working when I changed the trailer attach rule node value to greater than 1. A value of 0 places the item on top of the AGV.

Regards, agv-help.fsm

Arun KR

rule-value.png (13.7 KiB)
agv-help.fsm (28.5 KiB)
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Vinay S avatar image
Vinay S answered
  1. For reference for current users.
  3. Now we can use this code to attach trailer ahead.
  4. agv.attachTrailer(trailerObj, 0.1, 0, 0);

If 3rd parameter is 0, the trailer will attach to ahead, if 1 attaches to behind.

Refer this link from documents for more details.


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