
David Blaylock avatar image
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David Blaylock asked Phil BoBo commented

Can you change the speed of a AGV between two points?

I have searched the forms and cant seem to find a answer to this simple question. I have a AGV network that runs in a big loop and I would like the AGV's to slow down during a section then speed back up to normal speeds.

Can this be done?


FlexSim 17.1.2
agv networkagv pathagv process flowagv module
5 |100000

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1 Answer

Steven Hamoen avatar image
Steven Hamoen answered Phil BoBo commented

@David Blaylock If you open the network properties (right click on a network, bottom option) you will find a tabpage with AGV Types where you can define Path Classes (so types of paths) standard there are already 3 types defined (straight, curved and spur) and you can define your own as well. In the table below you can enter the speeds for each type of path for forward and reverse speeds and also different speeds for loaded or empty (or any other state or load type you want to define, for instance lifted or lowered or something similar). See this picture:

Then the last thing you have to do is click on a path section and tell it what Path Class it is. And you can do that in the quick properties like this:

So to change the speed between 2 points make it a separate section and make it the appropriate path class.

agvpathspeed.png (34.9 KiB)
agvpathspeed2.png (15.1 KiB)
· 3
5 |100000

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