
Ting C avatar image
Ting C asked tannerp answered

How can 3 AGV avoid collision in two-way paths?

Dear all

I have the problem like this picture.How can solve this problem?

Currently ,I have a idea that give the priority to agv.

For example, If AGV01 and AGV02 are moving on the same path but they move reverse direction ,so let AGV01 have higher priority ,then AGV02 must reversing ,make way for AGV01 when encounter this situation .

Is mean AGV02 need to judge the route of AGV01 ,and choose the other way to go to destination .

Is this idea possible? or is have the better solution?

Sorry for poor English.

Thank you for your help!


FlexSim 18.1.2
agvagv networkagv path
prob.jpg (132.5 KiB)
two-way-path.fsm (599.5 KiB)
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1 Answer

tannerp avatar image
tannerp answered

@Ting C the forum should be working now if you'd like to review that post.

AGVs can be challenging. Perhaps another element of FlexSim that you could try to implement in your model is the Control Area. They can be set to control how many objects enter an area. Then, using Process Flow, you might try redirecting AGVs when they are waiting to enter a Control Area.

This tutorial, if you haven't looked at it yet, could be helpful to show how to reverse the AGVs to make room for another. It might take editing your current model setup just a little bit, but it could work.

tutorial-agv.png (162.4 KiB)
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