
Pinakin avatar image
Pinakin asked Joshua S commented

How to obtain the travel time of the AGV between 2 control points?

I want to measure the time of travel between 2 control points on an agv network. Is there a way to obtain that?

FlexSim 18.2.2
agvagv networkagv path
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1 Answer

Joshua S avatar image
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Joshua S answered Joshua S commented

Use this command

  1. cpdistance (obj fromControlPoint, obj toControlPoint)

to get the distance from one control point to another. The rest is just calculating the travel time based on the distance and the max speed of your AGV

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Joshua S avatar image Joshua S commented ·


Here's an example where you can calculate it beforehand in the script window, then run the model and see the output of the time it took for the taskExecuter to reach it's destination, and it checks out.


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Pinakin avatar image Pinakin commented ·

Thanks for help!

In my model, the agv input is acceleration, I do not have speed as an input. the max speed is "infinity", the acceleration and deceleration are the only inputs to the agvs. So cannot use this method.

I am trying a method where, when the agv starts its travel, one of the label is given the value of time when it started its travel and when it arrives at the next control point, the another label is given the value of the time when it arrived. And then I take the difference of this.

But this is very inefficient method

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Joshua S avatar image Joshua S Pinakin commented ·

If you are trying to get the time of travel after you have already traveled, your method sounds like the best way. What are you trying to do with the data after gathering the travel time that this method seems inefficient?

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Pinakin avatar image Pinakin Joshua S commented ·

The agv stops for a certain amount of time at each control point. But the time it waits for depends on the travel time it takes to get to that control point.

I have differential acceleration and constant distance. So I have to find out how much time would it stay at the control point with a different accelerations. That is the data we want as an output of the model

Hope it is clear!

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