
christoph gruber avatar image
christoph gruber asked tannerp converted comment to answer

AGV-Module, stop AGV and waiting for work

How can I stop an AGV and waiting for the same item that he transported before?

An AGV should unload an item on ControlPoint14, drive to ControlPoint15, should wait on this place until the item is finished, load the item and bring it to the sink.

I tried to do this with Way Points in the AGVNetwork Properties but it doesn´t work!

Thanks for helping!


FlexSim 19.1.2
agv networkagv process flowagv module
wait-for-work.png (182.4 KiB)
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1 Answer

christoph gruber avatar image
christoph gruber answered

Hallo @tanner.p and @Francisco LP

I wrote a new post because the old post was exceptet but the problem was not solved.

So, I tried again in AGV-Module but without waypoints. That´s my solution. Is it ok to do it in this way?


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