I don't know why the truck only does at once the animation of the loading, travel and unloading in my model. I want to send all the items from Supplier1 and Supplier2 to the next queue by the truck but only works with the first delivery.
I don't know why the truck only does at once the animation of the loading, travel and unloading in my model. I want to send all the items from Supplier1 and Supplier2 to the next queue by the truck but only works with the first delivery.
The trucks do move every item. But due to the option you chose for the loading time only every hundredth item has a loading time that is non-zero. And because the model runs very fast compared to the movement time of the trucks, you simply don't see a frame where the trucks are not positioned at the destination queue, when the loading time is 0.
And how can I do the truck load all the items and take 10 days to go from one Queue to another?
There are a few options of which the most obvious are:
1) make the travel distance between the queues the correct amount
2) use a network of nodes for travel and set the virtual distance of the paths
3) use the GIS navigator.
Or you could just delay the truck by the travel time while in state_travel if you don't need to see an animated journey and don't want to do any of the above options.
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