
xuan-123 avatar image
xuan-123 asked Felix Möhlmann edited

AGV blocked when using A*

All my AGVs will receive handling tasks and will return to the parking area after the handling. The path the AGV travels during the process is calculated by A*. But a problem will occur. When the AGV is blocked by other AGVs when returning to the parking area, the path is locked.

How can I solve this problem?

For example, you can write out that when the AGV is blocked, you can reuse A* to calculate the path back to the parking area.

FlexSim 23.0.10
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1 Answer

Felix Möhlmann avatar image
Felix Möhlmann answered Felix Möhlmann edited

You could turn on the option to ignore inactive members in the A* properties.

Or, as you say, when the AGV is blocked and doesn't continue within a set time frame, start the travel anew and set any inactive AGV as a barrier. An example for the needed code and activity structure can be found in the Kiva example model.


Unless you are talking about oncoing traffic in a narrow corridor where both AGVs are actively travelling. Such a situation should be prevented from occuring in the first place by controlling access to that corridor. For example in a two-stage-travel-task: Move to entry of corridor, check if free, only then continue. (Checking if the corridor is free might be as easy as plcaing a zone limited to one token around a travel activity.)

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