
unai avatar image
unai asked unai edited

Parameters with global table


I want to use the experimenter to simulate different scenarios of the next model. I have the next parameters which I want to change them in the experimenter: The arrival time of the items, the quantity and the process time. I have created a global table for each parameter and in each row I have set the data of each scenario. I have created also the parameters in the toolbox but I don't know how to set the global table in the value of each parameter in the parameter section of the toolbox. I have attached the model, thank you. Example.fsm

FlexSim 22.1.4
example.fsm (147.0 KiB)
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1 Answer

Jason Lightfoot avatar image
Jason Lightfoot answered unai edited

You don't need the global tables - you can enter the values into the experimenter job definition:


Then either use the OnSet of the parameter to write the value to the reference object's property*:


Or have the object read the property:


Note that the stream expression for process time will need to change for the latter from getstream(ownerobject(c)) to getstream(reference)

*Also note that you will need to edit the code of the OnSet to set the ProcessTime since it was omitted from the version you are using - it doesn't appear as a dropdown option.

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unai avatar image unai commented ·

Thank you very much but, is there a way to do it with global tables? Because I have to apply it to a more complicated model and I would like to do it with global tables.

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unai avatar image unai unai commented ·
I would like to create parameters in order to change the global table variables.
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Jason Lightfoot avatar image Jason Lightfoot ♦♦ unai commented ·

You can use the Parameter onSet to change table values either referring to the cell in the OnSet code or having the cell as a reference and just using reference.value=newValue; in the OnSet.

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unai avatar image unai commented ·

I can't do it. Automatically the values of the global table are set to 1 and the following error appears.Example.fsm

Captura de pantalla 2024-02-12 153642.pngCaptura de pantalla 2024-02-12 153652.png

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unai avatar image unai unai commented ·
And then also I have thought to use the experimenter to change these values.
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Jason Lightfoot avatar image Jason Lightfoot ♦♦ unai commented ·

You haven't any values to set - the parameter table is blank.

Also - you've set the type to expression so the numbers will get written as strings to the table cells - is that what you want?

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