I'm working on a reinforcement learning project. In my model I have 2 queue, one for the pallets and one for people, both with 5 types of objects. In my observation space, a model parameter table, I have 5 parameters, one for each type, that count how long a whole typology is waiting in the queue in time. A maximum of 25 people of the same type are moved on the pallet. How do I set these time parameters so that they tell me how long they’ve been in the queue and once they’ve been moved to start the timer again in case there are people of the same type or do it when they arrive?
To understand better, if I have "red wating time" as a parameter, this will tell me how long red people are waiting to be processed in the queue. Once this happens if there are other red people in the queue the timer starts again, otherwise it will start again when new ones are generated from the source.
Thank you for the answer.