
royjuventus29 avatar image
royjuventus29 asked Jason Lightfoot answered

Is it possible to create an animation fully based on FlexScript?

I would like to create an animation by FlexScript. But I only find some functions to set the variables and start/stop/resume the animation. I would like to use the FlexScript to create an animation from the beginning. For example, create the keyframes of an object by FlexScript. Is it possible?

FlexSim 24.0.1
flexscriptcustom animationkeyframes
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1 Answer

Jason Lightfoot avatar image
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Jason Lightfoot answered

You can use FlexScript to create structures in the tree in the same way that the Animation GUI does. The bodies and animations are stored under the animated object's animationinfo attribute. The structure of this is probably not documented so you'll just have to figure it out - which shouldn't be too difficult.

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