
Nilsson avatar image
Nilsson asked Nilsson commented

Using custom state profile in Statistics Collectors


I am using this to put the travel empty in a table.


I have also created this custom state profile:


I can't get it to work to access the different states, for instance total time at "DriverLoad3" in statistics collectors (The states are working and adding the correct time).

How should I do?

FlexSim 24.1.0
statistic collectorcustom state profile
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1 Answer

Felix Möhlmann avatar image
Felix Möhlmann answered Nilsson commented

The profile rank needs to be passed into "state()". (Its an optional parameter, so the empty brackets access profile 0 - the default profile)

For example "obj.stats.state(1)..." accesses the first custom profile you added (profile at subnode rank 1 under the "state_profiles" node).

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