
我才是馬邦德 avatar image
我才是馬邦德 asked 我才是馬邦德 commented

Job Shop Experimenter setting question


I have a question about the Experimenter. We want to do an Experiment on the number of machines for each process in a Job shop. For example, Process 1 uses 5 machines, and Process 2 can use 3 machines for production. In the model, we let the machines pull the materials they can process. However, I encountered a problem. Each machine can perform different processes (I record them using a array labels "Process" for each machine). If I set the machines that can perform the same process as a group, I found that the original pull logic will not be my assumed hypothesis. How can I do the Experiment correctly? Or is there another way to do it? Thank you.

Job Shop Experimenter.fsm

FlexSim 24.0.2
experimeterjob shop
5 |100000

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1 Answer

Felix Möhlmann avatar image
Felix Möhlmann answered 我才是馬邦德 commented

In order to use the Experimenter you have to express the variables you want to change between the scenarios as parameters in a parameter table.

One option would be to have one parameter per processor/type-combination and construct the "Process" label based on those parameters in the On Reset trigger of the processors.

You can greatly simplefy the Pull Strategy query by using the IN keyword. The query will then work with an array of any size and can be used across all processors.

WHERE Process IN Puller.Process ORDER BY age DESC


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5 |100000

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我才是馬邦德 avatar image 我才是馬邦德 commented ·
Thank you~
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