
cyc avatar image
cyc asked Jeanette F commented

How should I set the Label of Duration so that Statistics Collector can read it?

Hello experts, I'm sorry that my last explanation was not complete, so I will restate my question.

This is my model: Problem_Model.fsm

My model is illustrated based on the image below:problem-image1.png

First, I created a Time Table1, which set the rest time of the Operator. Then (please ignore Combiner1, Separator1, and Separator2), I collected the EntryTime, ExitTime, ScheduledDownTime, and Staytime of the three processors through Statistics Collector, where Staytime = ExitTime -EntryTime - ScheduledDownTime. The reason for this is that Staytime should not include the rest time according to the Operator in Time Table1, so I must record ScheduledDownTime.

The problem I want to solve is explained according to the following figure:problem-image2.png

ScheduledDownTime cannot be collected correctly, so I followed the method suggested by Joerg Vogel below: use the Downfunction's Duration.

The difficulty I have is that I don't know how to set the Label in DownFunction and read the value of this Label in ScheduledDownTime of Statistics Collector.

In Time Table1, I set 7 scheduled downs, so I went to query Time Table1 in Tree. These 7 scheduled downs should all be recorded in Time Table1 (the numbers 1~7 I marked in the picture).

How should I set the Label of Duration so that the Event Value in ScheduledDownTime of Statistics Collector can read the value of Duration?

Thank you all very much for your help.

FlexSim 24.0.0
staytimecycle timevalueeventstatisctis collector
problem-image1.png (118.3 KiB)
problem-image2.png (134.1 KiB)
problem-model.fsm (715.6 KiB)
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Jeanette F avatar image
Jeanette F answered Felix Möhlmann commented

Hello @CYC,

I addressed this in a recent post, exclude-certain-states-from-a-stay-time-chart. When the object goes down the downtime is set on a label on the item so when it finishes the statistics collector and remove that time from the staytime.

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Joerg Vogel avatar image
Joerg Vogel answered Joerg Vogel commented

You will build or enhance a statistic collector to evaluate a label at involved item, which stores scheduled downtime in this label. Each item, wether it is experiencing a downtime or not, has a label, which stores a possible downtime.
Your timetable function can store at items in involved member objects the downtime as a label value.
When an item is leaving an object you update your statistical collector to compute your staytime by entry time, current time and label value. Your label value can store a value of zero, if there hasn’t occurred a downtime for this item while being processed.

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