
Howard avatar image
Howard asked Jeanette F commented

Process Flow Global Table Lookup

There are a few things that I want to accomplish.

  1. Move box item from one queue to another based on the global table destination.
  2. Processor looks up setup and process time from the global table values.
  3. The number of boxes by product types in the sources can be updated to different quantities.
  4. The number of processors connected to the queue can be different quantities.


There are some issues that I encountered:

1.The token is not reading the destination from global table correctly. How to enable a "drop sample icon" so I can pick the queue that I want?



2. The operator1 is picking up the box item while processor is running and not completed yet.

3. Queue 1 send 2 box items to Processor 1 and Processor 2 but only one box is move to the next destination.


globaltabledemo[hr] 20240408.fsm

FlexSim 24.0.2
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1 Answer

Kavika F avatar image
Kavika F answered Kavika F commented

Hey @Howard, firstly, if you want the setup and process time of your processors to be determined by a variable value, you can't use "token.SetupTime" since the Processor doesn't know what "token" is. An alternative is to do a Global Table Lookup based on the item's type (if they have different types) or the "If Item Label Value Changes" option for when the label value changes -- then you can setup different processing times.

Concerning your Global Table, if you want a pointer cell value, you need to assign that cell to have that type of data.


If you right-click on the cell, you can assign it that type of data. You can highlight all the cells you want and mass-edit them like this. Then you'll get the dropper to select the object you want.

Another way is to do "Model.find(token.Destination)" to do a lookup on the string you have saved in the table. This will return a pointer to that object that you can store on another label.

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