
gust-flex avatar image
gust-flex asked Joerg Vogel answered

Push to list only when object leaves the top level of a flowrack?

Hello, is it possible to push to a global list (with the properties of the flowrack) only when the object on the top level leaves?


this is what I do now, but I want to push only when an object leaves the top level (level 3)

FlexSim 23.1.2
push to listpropertiesgravity flowrack
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1 Answer

Joerg Vogel avatar image
Joerg Vogel answered

May I suggest you take a look into a trigger source code editor. You find a parchment roll icon next to a trigger. Each trigger has got a default header. Declared local variables are available to all templates you can choose. Based on them you are capable to edit a logical expression.

Try triggers which are related to components of a rack.


Or you click on the arrow down icon next to a condition edit field of push to a list template and choose an appropriate expression which you can edit.


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