I use the following code to define how items in the queue are processed and transported to the rack, but TASKTYPE_UNLOAD can only specify the transfer to the rack without explicitly specifying the transfer to a specific slot on the rack. How can I modify this code to accurately send items to a specific slot on the rack?
- Queue.setProperty("TransportRef", "Object current = ownerobject(c);\n\
- Object item = param(1);\n\
- int port = param(2);\n\
- Object destination = param(3);\n\
- double priority = param(4);\n\
- int preempt = param(5);\n\
- \n\
- /***popup:PushToList:listType=TaskSequence*/\n\
- /**Push to Task Sequence List*/\n\
- /***tag:showAdvanced*//**1*/\n\
- \n\
- if (true) {\n\
- TaskSequence taskSequence = TaskSequence.create(assertattribute(current, \"stored\", 0), priority, preempt);\n\
- \n\
- taskSequence.addTask(TASKTYPE_TRAVEL, current, NULL);\n\
- taskSequence.addTask(TASKTYPE_LOAD, item, current, port);\n\
- taskSequence.addTask(TASKTYPE_BREAK, NULL, NULL);\n\
- taskSequence.addTask(TASKTYPE_TRAVEL, destination, NULL);\n\
- taskSequence.addTask(TASKTYPE_UNLOAD, item, destination, opipno(current,port));\n\
- string listName = \"TSList1\";\n\
- List(listName).push(taskSequence, 0);\n\
- current.centerObjects[1].message(0.01,current);\n\
- }\n\
- return 0;\n\
- ");
Thank you.