
Jay Khedekar avatar image
Jay Khedekar asked Felix Möhlmann answered

How to use one code to increase all tracked variable based on a label name?

So, there's quite a few moving parts here.
I have a model which sets label. For instance,

I have a label called PartName which has PartName saved in it.

I then created tracked variable with exact same name as the label PartName.

I want to then increment the Tracked Variable by PartWeight label

All these labels are pulled from a list

Now I am trying to do this in FlexScript to increment my tracked variable for all label names using just one code block.

  1. double initial = TrackedVariable(token.pulled[token.loopcount].PartName).value;
  2. double val = token.pulled[token.loopcount].PartWeight.value;
  3. TrackedVariable(token.pulled[token.loopcount].PartName).value = initial + val;

This isn't currently not incrementing the value of tracked variable. What am I doing wrong? Is there a better way to do it?

FlexSim 23.0.15
flexscripttracked variables
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1 Answer

Felix Möhlmann avatar image
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Felix Möhlmann answered

Remove the "value" in line 2. You are already accessing the value of the label.

object.labelName -> value of label "labelName"
object.labels["labelName"] -> node of label "labelName"
object.labels["labelName"].value -> value of node of label "labelName" == value of label "labelName"

For tracked variables, "TrackVariable(varName)" accesses the node, so there you always need the "value"

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