I have 2 lists. One which keeps track of parts it has created. It has a label column called PartName.
Second list is parts requested by operator which also has a label column PartName.
When the a value it pushed in second list as a request by operator it triggers the flow.
The flow starts with a pull request from first list which pulls one value and Assign to token.requestpull
The flow moves to a batching step where I batch 3 token with a max wait time of 60 sec. I also track how many were batched before getting released
In batching process flow for label aggregation I have
From Label - requestpull.Partname
To Label - requestpull
Aggregation - Make Array
Then I want to pull from first list. The request quantity of pull from first list is the number of token I have batched which is store in label batchCount (this works right) I have puller token for second list as pullerrequest
For query I only want to select parts which are requested by operators so
- WHERE PartName IN pullerrequest.requestpull
This however does not work and shows sql query mistake. Where am I making a mistake?