
chisholm31 avatar image
chisholm31 asked Jason Lightfoot commented

Batch processing with operator


I am trying to create a batch process that represents a single one of our bottle soaking tanks. I have tried using a queue to release the entire batch onto a processor at once which seems to work fine however I would like to stop that queue from refilling until the process is finished. The queue is loaded by an operator and the processor is unloaded by the same operator. I will also need to scale this up to have 8 ques and processors all operated by the same operator.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

FlexSim 24.0.2
process flowbatch processingflexsim24.0.2
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1 Answer

Jason Lightfoot avatar image
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Jason Lightfoot answered Jason Lightfoot commented

On the queue's EndCollecting trigger you can stop the input of the queue and then have the processor resume the input when the last item exits (test for content==1).

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chisholm31 avatar image chisholm31 commented ·
Hi Jason, thanks I got the trigger working for the input! How do I setup the processor? I can't find the test for content in the triggers list.

Thanks again!

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Jason Lightfoot avatar image Jason Lightfoot ♦♦ chisholm31 commented ·


or the more recent syntax:



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chisholm31 avatar image chisholm31 Jason Lightfoot ♦♦ commented ·

Hi Jason,

Thanks for the help with this its working really well I have run into one other slight issue though and I am wondering if it best to post it here or in a new thread?

Basically when the operator is unloading the machine they will hold onto a single bottle. I know this is because they are prioritizing reloading the machine but it means they are loading one at a time rather than 2 at time due to the space being used up by the completed item. I am otherwise happy with how they are behaving in that they fill them up and then work there way back up the line again unloading and reloading but I would like them to ensure that their hands are empty before they begin to reload. Is there an easy fix for this?

Really appreciate the help I am very new to this!

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