
Darvin Davis avatar image
Darvin Davis asked Jeanette F commented

Port by case

5-2_5.fsm5-2_4.fsm5-2.fsmHi I need help with port by case. I have the following process line flow Machine 1-2-1-sink

I tried to increment the value of a label called times processed at machine 1 but it is not working

I have uploaded the file if there are any improvements or corrections please do mention it would help me a lot in terms of learning it.

thank you for the help.

FlexSim 24.1.0
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5-2-5.fsm (30.9 KiB)
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1 Answer

Joerg Vogel avatar image
Joerg Vogel answered

Try in case function: item.TimesProcessed

by attribute labels array you get access to labels nodes and not Label values

maybe you succeed by adding after your statement .value property.

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