
Martin avatar image
Martin asked Martin commented

Transporter travel through door with A*


I have a warehouse model with two doors going from the docks into the warehouse. Right now the doors are just openings into the area which is otherwise walled off by A* dividers.

I'd like the doors to be more intelligent. I'd like there to be some kind of actual door object that opens when the transporter is close to it, and closes when no task executor is near by. I'd like it to take a few seconds to open and close, during which time the task executer must wait.

But I'd also like the navigation system to know that it is a door and not an obstruction, and plot the task executors course to use one of the doors.

What's the best way to approach this?



FlexSim 24.1.0
a* navigationdoors
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1 Answer

Felix Möhlmann avatar image
Felix Möhlmann answered Martin commented

You could try to use the proximity agent system to detect a TE getting close to the door. Then stop the TE while the door opens. When the TE exits proximity the door closes again. That is at least the best I could come with to have be "automatic".


Overall you would have more control by splitting the travel task up into sections via Process Flow:
Travel to door -> Check if door is open, if not have TE wait and open door -> Travel to target.

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Martin avatar image Martin commented ·
Thanks Felix! I was able to work with this approach.
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