
Keter avatar image
Keter asked Felix Möhlmann answered

Model Stuck in acquire

Hello, I follow Tutorial 1.2 to calculate distance as threshold for operator to drink water. However, the model stuck at acquire station in PF flow.

Hope I can get some direction, thanks!


FlexSim 22.0.16
acquire resourceopeartorpfflow
tutorial12.fsm (170.8 KiB)
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1 Answer

Felix Möhlmann avatar image
Felix Möhlmann answered

Add the "LastdrinkTravel" label to the operators with a reset value of 0. The tutorial omits this step. Maybe how non-existant labels are handled in a query has changed since the tutorial was written and it was missed that this needs to be updated.


Also, in the "Release Resource" activity of the right block, you still refer to "token.resource" instead of "token.thirstyop".

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