
iceagesimulator avatar image
iceagesimulator asked iceagesimulator answered

Track patient distance traveled when being pushed in transport

Is there a way to capture the distance traveled by a patient who is being pushed in a transport by a staff member? Currently in my model the patients are only getting their Total Travel accumulated when they walk them selves. Would there be a way to transfer the staff members walked distance and add it to the patients Total Travel distance? (I know I would have to do some math to extract just the portion of the overall Total Distance from the staff to just get the distance that they were pushing said patient).

In the end I want the Total Distance traveled by a patient to be both when they are walking and any time they are being pushed in any sort of transport by a staff member.

Note: the picture below is the distance the patient walked to get to the bed.


The picture below is of the staff member's current Total Travel, which may be a number that I would extract a distance they pushed the current patient, and add that distance to the current patient's total distance traveled.


FlexSim 24.0.1
healthcaretransporttotal travel
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1 Answer

iceagesimulator avatar image
iceagesimulator answered

Since this question has not had any traction for a few days, I'll explain the approach I took get the data I needed.

The patient's Total Travel Distance always accumulates when they are walking, but when they are being pushed in any sort of transportation method, their distance does not increase. Therefore I created a label on the patient (lblStaffDistanceOverall), and this label housed a value that would be an accumulation of distances of staff that was associated with the given patient. Right before the Transport Patient activity, I would record the staff's current distance traveled as the starting point (this was recorded to the patient token, with label lblStaffCurrentDistance). Then upon reaching the destination, I would subtract the value that was recorded as "staff's current distance traveled" from the staff's overall distance traveled. This would result in a distance that the staff traveled in the current trip. This distance would the be added to a label on the patient that housed the accumulated staff distance traveled associated with the patient. Right before a patient was removed from the model, I summed the patient's overall distance traveled, with the label that housed any staff travel associated with patient. This result would be the overall distance a patient traveled, by either walking, or by being pushed by someone else (this patient overall distance would be housed in lblDistancePatientOverall).

The example below shows the equation where the patient's overall distance (357.7187) is added to the all the staff's distances that were associated with the patient (1056.0883) to result in an overall distance of 1413.8071 that the patient traveled in any sort of mode of transportation.




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