
katerina-fratczak avatar image
katerina-fratczak asked katerina-fratczak commented

Reinforcement learning - problem by test runs


I have problem by running the training test runs of my model with push logic and two decision events:1720002556798.png

In python stops it like this:1720002593625.png

The python scripts (modified long time ago by us because the original training scripts did not run well) run by the training model well. I am not sure now, if the problem is in FlexSim or in python.

Thank you


reinforcement learning
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1 Answer

Jordan Johnson avatar image
Jordan Johnson answered katerina-fratczak commented

I did a little debugging. I think something may have changed with stable_baselines3 since we wrote the demo script. It looks like the return value of model.predict() is a tuple containing the array of actions, rather than just the array of actions.

To fix it, I changed:

action = model.predict(observation)

to this:

(action, _) = model.predict(observation)

The second version "unpacks" the tuple and saves the first value in the action variable.

I'll add an issue to our bug list to investigate this issue, to see if we need to adjust to changing software.

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katerina-fratczak avatar image katerina-fratczak commented ·

Hello, thank you very much! I have changed it in the as you suggested and it works now :-)


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